One-Day Workshop
Sat 6th July 2013
Living from The Heart
Join Lucinda Drayton from Bliss for a day of reconnection and peace amidst the beauty of Sedgwick Park
When we live from the heart, from that place of authenticity, clarity and warmth, life becomes a joyful experience.
However do not be fooled into thinking that the journey to this position is the easy option. In a world that is rushing and full of fear it is like learning to swim upstream.
The day will include fun, discussion, teachings and an afternoon meditative musical experience to journey right into your heart, which holds your unique wisdom.
If you are looking for a Guru this day isn’t for you!
However; if you wish to become your Own Guru, your Own Ally and your Own Guide – then see you there!
There will be a long midday break for you to enjoy the stunning gardens and to walk the labyrinth.
Please bring Vegetarian food to share.
Lucinda will be offering an optional Glass Walk Experience for those who are ready to learn…
Ticket Prices
Lucinda Drayton
Lucinda Drayton is a spiritual singer songwriter and therapist. Her passion is raising awareness around Living from the Heart and from a Place of Love.
Sedgwick Park House
Sedgwick Park
Horsham, West Sussex
RH13 6QQ
United Kingdom
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