
  • Tim Wheater – Circle of Sound Experience

    Posted June 20, 2011 By in Archives With | 2 Comments
    Wednesday 12th October 2011

    A Circle of Sound with Tim Wheater is a memorable moment.

    Radiant showers of soothing healing sounds bewitching the ears and hearts of the listener. Deep sound meditations, mantras and sacred sounds touching the stillness and bliss.

    During this very special evening of sound, Tim will be working with the breath, the voice (safely and easily) and chanting mantras for peace and wellbeing. He will also explore working with:

    •       Simple Vocal Tones
    •       Chant
    •       Mantra
    •       Flutes
    •       Tibetan Bowls
    •       Sound Chair
    •       Sacred Sol Feggio Chimes
    •       Gongs tuned to The Planet
    •       Drum and more………..

    Tim will perform on voice and flute, as well as inviting us into a deep sound meditation through the wonderful Planet Gongs tuned to the Cosmos via Phythagurus scientific discovery.


    Come and discover the Circle of Sound Experience for yourself – and bathe in the Sounds of The Universe.

    No Experience is required. It is all easy, safe, rewarding and fun!

    This is a great opportunity to work with the legendary Tim Wheater and to experience his exquisitely sensitive music.

    *** This will be an intimate evening of sound. To enhance your experience, you might like to bring some cushions and/or a rug to sit on. There will also be chairs available if you would prefer to be seated ***

    Ticket Prices

    £20.00 (no booking fee) – Advance On-line Booking Only

    There may be a limited number of tickets available on the door at a cost of £25.00.
    However – to ensure your place, please book your ticket online using the booking form below


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 supper menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

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Comments (2)

Beth » 13. Oct, 2011

Thank you so much for such a blessed evening of unity with others in an oh so special way. The atmosphere created by Tim Wheater’s presence and his divine mastery of sound was one of serenity and vibration that touched every part of my being. Most memorable and very timely for me. Just what my soul needed. I felt privaleged and most grateful.

Tim I now understand why for many years I have heard others sing your praises passionately! I cant believe it has taken me until now to find out for myself! Only the night before I was in front of someone telling me that they had been repeating mantras for most of the day and felt fantasic! Learnt that one too for myself through you. Thank you so much. Blessings to you.

For those of you who did not manage to get along on this occasion..never miss another opportunity. It is in the experiencing that you will understand this.

Jules you get 10/10 for the attention to every detail in the organising of the event which is my first attendance at a Naked Dragon event..I will be back! Thank you so much and a pleasure to meet you.
From my heart
Beth (Weybridge)

Julie Bryant » 13. Oct, 2011

Thank you so much for your beautiful words Beth – and for sharing the depth of your experience with us. Receiving your support and thoughtfulness is a gift that I will treasure. And as an organiser, such lovely comments make it all so worthwhile.

Tim Wheater’s event last night was truly magical and I think everyone present was transported to another realm. It was a a very special night and I look forward to having the honour of bringing Tim back to Naked Dragon again very soon.

As you know, I am passionately committed to ensuring that Naked Dragon continues to play a valuable role in promoting the work of those with an inspirational message to share…whether through their written or spoken word – or through their music and sound. As word is beginning to spread, we are building a wonderful community and I look forward to sharing the journey with you and the other beautiful souls whom we meet along the way.

With much love,
Juls xxx

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