Lars Muhl
From an early age Lars had a fascination with the history of Jesus and studied the Aramic language in order to obtain a deeper understanding of 'Yeshua'. He started to write his revelations down at the age of 10 and has been on a profound journey ever since. Lars Muhl was for many years a successful singer/songwriter who, concurrently with his music, studied the world’s religions and esoteric knowledge. Then in 1996 he was struck down by an unexplained illness, which neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose. For three years he was confined to his bed, unable to move. Through a friend, Lars was put in touch with a seer who, via the telephone, brought him ‘back to life’. This experience, and the revelations that followed from it, are described in the O Manuscript, which will be published in November. Earlier this year, Lars was voted by Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine as one of the Most Spiritually Influential Living people. For more information, please see www.larsmuhl.com