
  • Inspirational Film Circle – Patch Adams

    Posted Aug 17th, 2014 By in Archives With | No Comments
    A Tribute to Robin Williams
    Fri 5th Sept 2014

    The Film

    PATCH ADAMS is fact-based story of an unconventional physician who attempted to heal patients with laughter. Based on his own book and mixing equal doses of scatological humour and pathos Robin Williams stars as Hunter Adams, a troubled young man who commits himself to a mental institution in the late 1960s.

    His experiences there convince Adams to become a doctor, and he enrols in medical school, where he is appalled at the cold, clinical professionalism that alienates patients from their caregivers. Determined to provide emotional and spiritual relief as well as medicine, Adams clowns around for his patients, getting to know them personally.


    Although his efforts seem to work wonders and the hospital nursing staff is grateful for the levity Adams provides, his methods alienate his uptight roommate Mitch (Philip Seymour Hoffman) as well as the staff and faculty of his school.

    Adams perseveres, however, even starting his own low-cost rural clinic called the Gesundheit Institute, and wooing a pretty fellow student, Carin (Monica Potter). Tragedy strikes, and Adams’ career is put in jeopardy, forcing him to defend his style and philosophy before a board of jurists determined to bar him from practicing medicine.

    PATCH ADAMS (1998) was produced by former M*A*S*H (1972-83) star Mike Farrell, who met the real-life Adams when the offbeat doctor served as an advisor to the actor’s popular TV series.

    Welcome to the

    The Inspirational Film Circle is held in the intimate and tranquil setting of Thorpe Village Hall – away from the hustle, bustle and noise of multi-screen cinemas.

    Each month, Naked Dragon offers a different Inspirational Film for your enjoyment. Our choice of award winning films is based upon each film’s inspirational message and its ability to Connect with Our Hearts – as well as our minds.

    heart of film

    Part film society, part book club style, the Inspirational Film Circle gives you the opportunity to truly enjoy and explore each film and to connect with other like-minded film goers.

    The evening will begin with an Introduction of Our Featured Film before we sit back and relax in our informal seating. Following the screening, we will have a fun and lively discussion as we explore the key themes of the film and how these have inspired us.



    Our Inspirational Film Evenings wouldn’t be complete without Popcorn and Refreshments, both of which are Included in the ticket price of £10.00.
    (Tickets on the door will be priced at £11.00)

    There is also the option to purchase a Supper & Film Ticket for £15.00 which includes a Bowl of Fresh Home-Made Soup, Bread and Cheese!

    No Booking Fees

    (Please Book your Supper Ticket by Thurs 4th Sept)



    Coldharbour Lane
    TW20 8TE


    Please use the car park at the venue, or at The Red Lion Pub (a short walk from the village hall)

  • Anne Malone – Oasis of Sacred Sound

    Posted Mar 21st, 2014 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Oasis of Sacred Sound
    Thurs 29th May 2014

    Let’s Explore the World of Sound … and Rediscover The Alchemist of Sound Within You!

    Experience the Deep Relaxation and Healing Qualities of the EXQUISITE SOUNDBATH, using Tibetan Singing Bowls, Hang, Shamanic Drum, Rainstick, Sansula and Vocal Toning.

    Singing Mantras; we come together in heart song, improvising and crafting our creations into chants and songs, flowing into Shamanic Trance Dance with the ethereal sound of Bodhran Drum (Celtic Shamanic Drum) as we explore the ancient pathways within the Heart Beat of the Drum.

    Using pure vocal tones, we will bathe in the Sacred SoundScapes as we learn how use the body’s natural tuning instrument, the voice, to clear the charkas and instill a healing resonance throughout the body.


    Keys to the Fundamental Elements of Sacred Sound

    Toning: this is the art of tuning the body on a cellular level using vocal tones, these vocal tones resonate with the body’s molecules, balancing and releasing blockages,  clearing and balancing the Chakras.

    Chanting: finding your own personal sound within ancient repetition of words and sounds representing “God”

    Mantra:  singing songs in Sanskrit – a language reserved exclusively for the praise of the divine.

    Shamanic Drumming: exploring the ancient pathways within the heart beat of the drum.

    Sound Bath: is the art of Sacred Surround Sound, creating exquisite soundscapes.

    “Anne is an extraordinary sound explorer and healer. Her musical journeys are incredible soundscapes for the yoga of life.” ~ Shiva Rea 

    “Anne’s hang playing seems to come from another, more beautiful universe and beckons us to ‘come along, come along” ~ Jai Uttal

    Please bring a rug and/or cushion for maximum relaxation and enjoyment of the experience



    Be One of the First Seven People to Book YOUR Ticket for Anne’s SACRED SOUND OASIS for Just £7.00!

    When these are sold out, you may still be lucky enough to be one of the Next 20 People to Book a Ticket for Just £15.00!

    Don’t Delay – BOOK TODAY!

    (Tickets on the door will be priced at £25.00)


    [mappress mapid=”6″]

    View Larger Map

    The Barn Church
    Attwood Avenue,
    TW9 4HF
    United Kingdom

    The venue is situated about 10 minutes walk from Kew Gardens Station, or a short bus ride from Richmond Station.

  • Robert Holden – Loveability

    Posted Dec 13th, 2013 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Inspirational Talk
    Wed 5th March 2014

    Loveability: To Know How to Love & Be Loved

    “Your destiny is not just to find love; it is to be the most loving person you can be”.

    The Simple Maths of Love is:-

    The more you love – the more you enjoy Happiness, Success, Abundance, Health and all Good Things in Life.

    Conversely, not loving enough is the root cause of every problem and conflict in your life and on our planet. 

    In this evening’s talk Robert will share the key themes and principles from his 3-day Loveabiity program.

    These include:

    1) The Truth about Self-Love

    2) Undoing the Basic Fear

    3) Releasing Blocks to Love

    4) The Miracle of Forgiveness

    5) Why Love Really is the Only Sane and Satisfactory Answer to Human Existence.

    Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to spend an evening with The King of Love and Happiness!

    Robert Talks About Love!


    Robert Talks About Inspiration, Miracles & Life’s Lessons

    robert-holden-loveMy work is an expression of everything that inspires me. My whole life, I have had wonderful teachers. My family was my first classroom, and I learned enough lessons here to last a lifetime!

    At 18 years old, I enrolled on a 3-year program to study psychology and philosophy. Here I met my first mentor who introduced me to spiritual texts like The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Tao Te Ching, and The Dhammapada. I have been learning ever since.

    I am a student of A Course in Miracles, since 1992, and a Patron of The Miracle Network UK. I study The Enneagram, and have trained extensively with The Enneagram Institute. I deliver leadership programs worldwide, and I am a Fellow of The Leadership Trust.

    I am inspired by Tom Carpenter, my friend and mentor for 20 years, and his work with The Forgiveness Network. I am also an Elder for the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation.




    Be One of the First 20 People to Book a Ticket for Robert’s Event for Just £10.00!

    If these are sold out, you may still be lucky enough to be one of the Next 10 People to Book a Ticket for Just £15.00!

    Don’t Delay – BOOK TODAY! 

    (Tickets on the door will be priced at £30.00)


    And with Amazon selling copies of Robert’s book for just £7.69, why not treat yourself or a friend to a complete LOVEABILITY experience!

    Click HERE to buy your book from AMAZON


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Open Your Heart – A Christmas Retreat with Tim Wheater & Chloe Goodchild

    Posted Nov 6th, 2011 By in Archives With | No Comments


    Friday 16 – Sunday 18 December, 2011


    Begins Friday 5.30pm and ends Sunday 3.30pm (to be confirmed)


    Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX

    Tim & Chloe

    The singing voice is humanity’s most sustainable resource, older and deeper than the polarity of all conflict, capable of re-connecting you with your true nature and presence. Come and explore the wisdom of your voice and sound, with international voice and sound pioneers, Chloe Goodchild and Tim Wheater.

    Discover the power of sound to harmonise the feminine-masculine balance within you. Awaken and embody your soul song to live …life fully and joyously, in the present moment with a compassionate Open Heart.

    Tim and Chloe share a united vision of the potency of sound and voice to restore harmony, inner security, and peace in these challenging times.

    Chloe founded The Naked Voice in 1990, a research training programme in voice as a spiritual practice. She has taught and performed worldwide, evolving the practice of shared song to create sound awareness, sound values, & sound wisdom in our communities.

    Award winning composer Tim Wheater, flautist, vocalist, performer and public speaker, has for many years presented his acclaimed inspirational music all over the world.

    The Weekend Workshop & Concert

    Tim and Chloe will share their deep listening, vocal and communication skills to reveal the wisdom of ancient sound with a fresh contemporary expression, that will inspire you to find your authentic voice and it’s message as metaphor for everyday life.

    Chloe will share the essence of the Naked Voice practices including One Breath One Voice and the Seven Sounds of Love with rhythmn and energy movement.

    Tim will teach his vocal method of toning and mantra , introducing unique sound frequencies, and the art of playing The Gong, precisely tuned to the harmony of the universe. He will also share ancient sol feggio frequencies that align the body and brain. You will experience sound massages from the drum, and a variety of other sound tools such as Tibetan bowls and tuning forks, to balance body heart and mind.

    Don’t miss this unique collaboration and opportunity to find your voice in new ways this Christmastide.


    Residential full board £285

    Non Residential £235

    Deposit £50

    For Further Information and To Book

    Contact the Naked Voice Office on 0117 927 7020

    Or visit:

  • The Mystery Experience Retreat

    Posted Mar 16th, 2011 By in Archives With | No Comments
    About the Retreat

    Join an intimate group of fun, open-minded, big-hearted explorers of life for a very special celebration of the Mystery of Existence in the beautiful Abbey House in Glastonbury.

    Tim’s retreats are very popular and places are limited, so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment.

    Find out more about Tim’s Mystery Experience retreats [ here ]
    Find out how it feels to attend one of Tim’s Mystery Experience retreats [ here ]


    15  July 2011 – 17  July 2011.  Starts 6.00pm Friday for dinner. Ends around 3.15pm Sunday.

    Where Abbey House

    The beautiful Abbey House, Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8DH. This beautiful venue is situated in the original grounds of Glastonbury Abbey. Guests enjoy the privilege of access to the ruins of the Abbey from the house gardens. Glastonbury is a magical little town, which was an ancient centre for Pagan and Christian initiation. Glastonbury Tor, an ancient Pagan sacred mound, is said to be the Isle of Avalon of Arthurian legend. To find out more about this extraordinary venue see [ ]


    £340 including food and accommodation at Abbey House. Deposit of £80 with the full amount payable 2 months before the event. We really want to make it as easy as possible for people to attend, so if you prefer to pay by installments this can be arranged.

    Booking: Contact Debbie at [ ] or phone UK (0)781 786 8859

    If you cancel your place and we are able to fill it, we will be delighted to refund your payment minus your deposit, which will cover administration costs. If we are forced to cancel the seminar for unforeseen reasons, we will provide a full refund, but regret that we cannot be liable for any other expenses incurred.

    Additional Information

    Abbey HouseACCOMMODATION: Abbey House has both single and twin bedroom accommodation. If you would like to take part in the experience but arrange your own accommodation this is also possible for a limited number of participants at a cost of £260 including food.

    FOOD: All meals are vegetarian and prepared in the Abbey House kitchens using local produce and suppliers wherever possible. Seasonal fruit is often fresh from the garden, and special diets can be provided on request.

    PREPARATION: It will be helpful if you are familiar with Tim’s books, especially Lucid Living and How Long Is Now? Come with a questioning mind, an open heart, and a willingness to be authentic and have fun!

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