Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews

  • Finding Sanity In An Insane World?

    Posted Feb 1st, 2012 By in Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews With | No Comments

    A Guest Post by Andy Dovey

    Most of us would agree that we are living in incredibly challenging times, but how do we live through them successfully?

    What are the ‘impacts’ on us (emotionally, physically and socially) and what affect does this daily bombardment have on us?

    How can we mitigate the damage on ourselves from all these stimuli to our minds, bodies and souls?

    Russell Leak and I will be addressing all these questions (and much, much more!) at our Naked Dragon event on Wednesday 15th February – me through words in the form of a talk, and Russell through the medium of music in the form of his songs.

    As a practising clinical hypnotherapist, I have seen an growing number of clients of the past 5 years or so, who are experiencing increasing levels of stress and anxiety, the root cause of which is often fear – fear of losing a job, fear of not having enough money, fear of losing a home, etc. We are also subject to an environment of fear that may (or may not) be real – terrorism, war, pandemics, etc.

    The net result of all this is an almost constant stimulus of our adrenal systems (the flight-or-fight response) which has a number of profound effects on the individual, everything from compromised immune systems to chronic fatigue, and much more.

    My hypothesis is that we are not able to evolve fast enough as a species to cope with the world we live in, and this is placing us under more and more pressure that we are not designed to endure.

    So, what can we do about this? Come along on 15th February and find out!

    During the evening I will also look at how the world really works, taking a peek behind the veil that is projected to us via the media and government, to see how it really works and how we can maintain our sanity in an increasingly insane world.

    There will also be a demonstration of how everyone can use self-hypnosis to benefit themselves and reduce stress and anxiety.

    The event will be in 2 halves…

    My talk will be first, starting at 7.30pm. When everyone has had enough of me (☺) there will be an interval of about 15 minutes, and then Russell will start his Music/Life/Spirit/Love section, linking with some of the themes I will have been talking about.

    Russell is an incredibly talented songwriter and musician and, using modern technology, is able to be a true one-man-band. As a musician myself, I will join him occasionally on drums and percussion. Before playing each song, he will talk about the theme of the song, where his inspiration came from and the meaning of the song, so giving each piece a unique context that many listeners never experience.

    If all this sounds a bit ‘heavy’, yes it is in parts, but we guarantee there also will be a lot of fun and laughter as both of us don’t take ourselves too seriously! Amongst the sober facts there will be many lighter moments of banter, self-deprecation and audience participation.

    So, come along for some enlightenment, some fun and be prepared to get involved!

    For full details of this exciting event, please click HERE

  • A Day of Angelic Inspiration

    Posted Aug 24th, 2011 By in Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews, Reviews With | No Comments

    When I first met Angel Man Brian Mills many years ago,  through our mutual friend, Inspired Entrepreneur, Nick Williams, I was totally bowled over by Brian’s enthusiasm and passion for his two greatest loves – Angels & Movies. Read More »

  • The Mystery Experience Retreat with Tim Freke

    Posted Jul 27th, 2011 By in Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews, Reviews With | No Comments

    Reviews by Patricia Field & Aurele Hedley

    Introduction by Julie Bryant

    As an event organiser and promoter, it is wonderful to receive feedback about how our guests have enjoyed so many new experiences and wonderful new connections as a result of attending one of our events. Read More »

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