Naked Dragon Proudly Presents…
Money, Work & Miracles
A 2-dayWorkshop with Marianne Williamson
Few areas of our life can be as stressful as Work and Money.
We want to work but we can’t find work.
We want to have enough money in the bank and find ourselves terrified at the thought we might not.
This Two Day Workshop explores the principle of A Course in Miracles, that “Nothing real can be threatened and that Love is the all-encompassing reality of God and thus can have no opposite.”
Love is the only eternal truth and fear is just a hallucination of this mortal plane of existence. Seeking to solve a problem on the level of effect can only be a temporary fix.
As well as covering key aspects in Marianne’s new book The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles, Marianne looks at the miracle-minded principles that integrate our spiritual function with our work in the world.
A self-organising, self-correcting universe is already programmed to lift every aspect of our lives to its highest creative possibility.
In this unique weekend workshop, learn from Marianne how to turn this principle into inner and outer abundance.
Saturday 6th July 2013: 10.30am-5pm
Sunday 7th July 2013: 10.30am-4.30pm
Tuke Hall
Regents College
Inner Circle
Regents Park
London NW1 4NS
Ticket Prices
Exclusive Naked Dragon Offer
We have teamed up with our friends at Alternatives to bring you this very special offer!
Normal Ticket Prices £150 – reduced to £110
Please book your ticket using the link to below to obtain your discount
Entrance to 3 FREE TALKS over the year
15% Discount off all workshops for 1 year
1 Free ticket to a Soul of Coaching event
1 x Eternal Delight CD
Plus 2 FREE Books from the Alternatives book stand!
Your Host
Please note that Naked Dragon are promoting this event on behalf of the organiser – Alternatives – and they will be your host at the venue for this event.
For further details and to book your tickets, please click HERE
Please Note: This special offer is available EXCLUSIVELY through Naked Dragon and applies to tickets booked using the above link. Alternatives will contact you directly to arrange to send you the details of your GOOD FRIEND Membership Package.
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