Heather George
I teach Yoga classes, provide tuition for private and corporate clients, run Yoga & Meditation Workshops and Retreats, teach in bespoke spas, health clubs, schools, for Local Authorities, at The Yoga Show at Olympia and The International Yoga Festival in Egypt. I also run courses on stress management which I can tailor for individuals, corporate clients or students preparing for exams.
As well as Yoga, I teach Pilates and ChiBall and introduce some of these techniques into my yoga classes. These three disciplines help to develop coordination, postural alignment, effective breathing and core stability with flowing movement.
My first contact with yoga was in the mid-1980s when suffering from hypertension, due to hyperthyroidism, I decided to take the holistic approach of yoga over allopathic medication for symptom relief.
I was later very fortunate to come into contact with inspirational teachers of Hatha, Kundalini, Iyengar, Sivananda, and Ashtanga yoga.
It was fate that on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1999, I walked away from a serious accident relatively unharmed. I took this as a ‘wake up’ call and re-assessed my purpose, to myself and others. I immersed myself in yoga through daily practice including meditation and detoxification of body and mind. A year later, I travelled to India and trained to become a yoga teacher to help myself recover – and more importantly help others.
I believe that we are all searching for ‘PEACE’; to be content with who we are and the life we live. However, by looking outside ourselves we constantly try to fix ourselves and others to feed our egos and ‘make everything alright’. Through Yoga sadhana (spiritual journey) we can sublimate this ego and aspire to this peace and eventually to complete ‘Bliss’. I started my personal inner journey that allowed me to occasionally transcend Maya (illusion) and realise that the peace is within us all and is universal. I still embrace this journey and all it teaches me.
I have a background in nutrition, science, NVQ Assessing and training for sales personnel for a large German company. Along with being a Reiki healer, I am a qualified Life Coach with a Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology. This has allowed me to develop an intuitive approach and awareness of both the physical and emotional wellbeing of students. It enables me to tailor their practice and take a holistic view of the lifestyle, diet or other remedial action than may benefit them.
For further information about my work and my classes, please read here
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