Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews

  • A Day of Angelic Inspiration

    Posted August 24, 2011 By in Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews, Reviews With | No Comments

    When I first met Angel Man Brian Mills many years ago,  through our mutual friend, Inspired Entrepreneur, Nick Williams, I was totally bowled over by Brian’s enthusiasm and passion for his two greatest loves – Angels & Movies.

    This is a man who – after spending the greater part of his working life in the employ of British Rail – found the courage to follow his heart and to commit to spending the rest of his life doing what brings him the greatest joy.

    And when Brian decides to do something, he doesn’t do things by half!

    Within days of making the decision to completely change his life and to leave everything familiar behind him; he put his London house up for sale and was on a plane to America to train as an Angel Therapist with Dr Doreen Virtue, teacher and best selling author of 22 mind body spirit books on the subjects of Working with Your Angels and with the Angelic Realms.

    Upon his return from the US and with the guidance of his angels, Brian followed a series of synchronicities and was led to the beautiful Taggs Island near Hampton Court where he fell head over heels in love with a gorgeous houseboat  Ark Angel of which he now the proud owner and is delighted to call Home.

    Brian now generously opens up his stunning home as the venue for his popular monthly Angel Day gatherings. These very special gatherings take place on the last Saturday of each month and include; free angel readings, meditation link-ups, a special inspiration ceremony, rice & roses lagoon blessing, a guided walk around the island – and this weekend we will be joined by a very special guest, singer/songwriter, Catherine Ashby.

    From the moment you drive over the bridge onto the privacy and calm of the picturesque island, you can feel yourself relax as you leave the cares of the week behind you. After a warm welcome from our host, Brian’s passion for his subject matter and his obvious love for his delightful island home is contagious and you can’t help but be inspired in his company.

    I am really looking forward to being back on the island this weekend as this is a day not to be missed!

    Brian hosts his special days of Angelic Inspiration on  the last Saturday of every month. The next event will be on Saturday 24th September at 12.30pm and is fantastic value at just £15.00.

    Full details can be found here.

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