Tag : Aromatherapy

  • There’s a Kind of Touch…

    Posted Mar 19th, 2014 By in Product Reviews, Reviews With | 3 Comments

    Julie Bryant Reviews:-

    Aromatouch Therapy

    I recently enjoyed my first experience of ArōmaTouch with Essential Oils Educator Kirsten Luff.

    Kirsten, who is also the founder of The Aromatree Company, has recently begun working with her clients using the wonderful new ArōmaTouch Technique.

    aromatouchtechHaving enjoyed a number of Aromatherapy sessions with different therapists in the past, I had assumed that this would be a similar process of a full body massage using a selection of essential oils.

    However, Kirsten was quick to explain that although this new treatment involves the use of different combinations of essential oils carefully created to address Stress Reduction, Immune Enhancement, Inflammatory Response Reduction and Homeostasis (balance); instead of the oils being used in conjunction with massage oils, the eight different oils are used neat and applied individually along the spine.

    After drops of each of the oils are applied in turn along the spine, Kirsten gently works the oils into the skin using a wonderfully relaxing series of flowing hand movements, starting from the sacrum area and working her way along each side of the spine up into the base of the hairline.

    The Session

    The scent of the essential oils combined with Kirsten’s gentle healing touch relaxed me almost immediately and I felt myself floating away into a world of starry nights and swirls of colour.

    As the session progressed, at one point it felt as though I’d left my body and entered into a world of such beauty that words are inadequate to even begin to describe this awesome experience, other than to say that I was in no hurry to return from happily drifting along enjoying this magical space between the worlds!

    Once Kirsten had applied six of the eight oils and worked these into the skin surrounding my spinal column, she covered my back with layers of cosy warm blankets and proceeded to combine the final two oils and apply these to the soles of both my feet.

    I love having my feet worked on and even though this wasn’t a massage or reflexology session, just having the oils rubbed into my feet in a systematic matter was a heavenly experience that I just wanted to go on and on…and on!

    Once my feet had been treated, these were covered again with blankets whilst Kirsten used the same two oils to complete the treatment on my back before leaving me to relax in my essential oil infused stupor until I felt ready to emerge back into the world and into my day’s activities.

    Although at just 40 minutes, this treatment was slightly shorter than the average therapy session, it was very powerful and effective in terms of creating a sense of relaxation and well being from the outset of the session and the first application of the essential oils.

    Kirsten is a skilled practitioner with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of Aromotherapy, as well as being a natural healer. Her innate gift becomes obvious as soon as she lays her hands on your back and you feel the heat and healing vibrations emanating through her and towards the area of your body that requires the most attention.

    At the end of the treatment, as well as feeling totally relaxed and at peace with the world, I also felt wonderfully vibrant and full of energy with a great sense of well being. I’ve not experienced a treatment quite like this before…and I loved every relaxing moment! Even as I write this article in the early hours of the morning, I continue to experience the warm healing glow from our session and I’m looking forward to a wonderful restorative night’s sleep.

    I enjoyed this special treatment so much that I will be joining the end of the long queue of eager clients lining up to experience another session of Kirsten’s wonderful healing Aromatouch!


    About Kirsten Luff

    Kirsten LuffFounder and owner of The Aromatree Company, Kirsten Luff, has created a range of multi-award winning aromatherapy foot creams containing her own unique special blends of essential oils.

    Kirsten is also an Essential Oils Educator, an experienced Aromatherapist, Reflexologist and Kinesiologist.

    You can purchase Kirsten’s foot creams and essential oils from The Aromatree website , or she can be contacted for appointments on…

    info@thearomatreecompany.com or give her a call on 07906 968422.

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