Tag : Daring and Mighty

  • Jason Chan – Infinite Abundance

    Posted Feb 11th, 2013 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Evening Workshop
    Wed 15th May 2013

    Just a few tickets still available!

    This Workshop is intended to show you how you can raise your consciousness and tune into a higher light that will guide you to live every aspect of your life in INFINITE ABUNDANCE including;

    Your Health                   Your Work                 Your Relationships

    In this evening workshop, Jason Chan will lead you in some gentle, but powerful Infinite Chi Kung sequences that will raise your vibrations and open your energy centres.

    He will also guide you through an Infinite Abundance Meditation so that you can experience for yourself the infinite power and grace of ‘the light’.

    Jason’s core aim is to introduce you to some very powerful but practical energetic and spiritual principles and practices that can transform every aspect of your life, until you are one of the most abundant, peaceful, joyful and fulfilled human beings on the planet!

    You may not fully realise it yet, but your spiritual birth right is one of infinite abundance, lasting happiness and total fulfilment. (Chan and Rogers 2103)

    Jason Shares the Good Vibrations!




    There are just a handful of tickets left for our Special Birthday Event


    Please book yours before they are all gone!

    Bags of Dragon Delights!

    Party Bags

    Naked Dragon and our fantastic sponsors will be sharing the LOVE with the gift of an exclusive bag of Dragon Delights for the first people who book their tickets to this special event.

    Containing exclusive products created especially for our Birthday Celebrations, we know you will be delighted with your gifts.

    These are no ordinary party bags:-)

    To be sure of receiving your limited edition bag of goodies (one per booking)  book your ticket TODAY!

    Our Wonderful Sponsors!

    We would like to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to all our sponsors for their amazing generosity and much valued support and encouragement.

    daring and mighty (small)the aromatree company (small)hay house (small)

    HolisticDirectory (small)

    Henna Den (small)
    spirit and destiny (small)




    Merlins Diary logo

     Tiana logo





    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright Naked Dragon.co.uk 2018