Tag : David Wells Workshop

  • David Wells – Heavenly Minded • Earth Wise

    Posted Jan 11th, 2015 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Heavenly Minded • Earth Wise
    Sun 15th Feb 2015
    10am – 5pm

    Soul Memories – Eternal Wisdom for Daily Life

    This knowledge used to be almost completely lost as we incarnated back to earthly lives, but recently with vibrational shifts in individuals, soul groups and world consciousness – that’s no longer the case.

    metatronBut what is out there?

    What does Metatron’s retreat hold?

    How can you influence Sandalphon’s great draught board of life and your soul contract for this brief return to earth?

    And most importantly – can you make adjustments NOW?

    Heavenly Minded • Earth-Wise

    In this Experiential One-Day Workshop David will help you to piece together some of that contract; of your journey to Earth School and the knowledge that your soul carries with it just waiting to be discovered.

    past-lives-spiralIt’s an amazing feeling to fully realise that you’ve not only lived an earthly life before but the period between incarnations is filled with the joy of learning, helping others and growing your awareness to better equip yourself for future incarnations.

    Often I hear people say they have enough problems in this life without dealing with past lives, but that is the point! It’s not about living in the past, it’s about living here and now but fully living with your soul leading the way.

    Regardless of what’s happening in your life now, past life work can help put it into perspective and when you know just why you may have chosen even the most difficult of circumstances, it’s easier to not only accept, but to make changes with a new fortitude and new courage, to remove a karmic cycle once and for all.


    EARLY BIRD tickets priced at £65.00 will available until the 8th Feb 2015

    STANDARD TICKETS will be priced at £75.00


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A lunch menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

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