Tag : Global Gathering

  • Experiencing I AM

    Posted May 21st, 2013 By in Blog, Reviews With | No Comments

    A Review by Julie Bryant

    Facebook ProfileIt was a real honour and a great pleasure when Naked Dragon was recently invited to collaborate with Team Desai to present Panache Desai at his first ever UK event in London – The I AM Experience – on the weekend of 17th-19th July 2013.

    With guests arriving from 17 different countries, it was a real testament to the quality of Panache’s teachings and the power of his energy to have drawn so many people from around the world wishing to finally experience themselves in the full magnificence of their being.

    A Simple Message

    Panache’s message is a very simple one…

    He describes himself as being an ‘Old Friend’ whom we have asked to remind us that we are NOT broken, do NOT require fixing and are PERFECT just as we are!

    When all you’ve ever wanted is to be fully embraced for who and what you are, Panache will say, “YOU are NOT the Problem. YOU are 100% Loveable. Get used to it!”

    The I AM Experience

    IAM-Slate3smallOver the course of the weekend, I came to understand exactly what Panache means when he says that I am not broken and there is nothing about me that I need to fix. I now realise that I have spent my whole life searching for the road that would lead me back home to myself and that I AM the ONE that I have been patiently waiting for all this time!

    Panache’s work is highly experiential and works on many different levels. For those of us who spend much of our time stuck in our heads, it was such a relief to let go, relax into the experience and to enjoy the simple pleasure being immersed in the beauty of our own being.

    The I AM Experience was rich and joyful with Panache sharing so much wisdom and universal truths in rapid succession that he hardly had a chance to draw breath before he was expressing yet another life changing statement!

    Panache is an embodiment of a Descended Master who has known his destiny from a very young age and his message is beginning to ripple outwards to reach into every hidden corner of the globe.

    Being in Panache’s presence,  I had no choice other than to recognise that the entire universe resides inside of me and that as I allow the full light of my luminosity to shine, the beauty of my soul and the magnificence of my being  is reflected back to me. Panache says that as we recognise the energy we are projecting, the mirrors will simply break into pieces as they are no longer required!

    In the past, I have often repressed my emotions resulting in the creation of many blockages in my energy field causing all kinds of challenges to my sense of well-being.

    To begin releasing these blockages, Panache explains that we need to be willing to be courageous and vulnerable. He encourages us to feel safe with who we are and to be ready to embark on a vibrational journey towards a state of grace.

    From this state of being, we can allow all of our emotions to arise knowing that everything in time passes and that everything washes through. In order to continue raising our vibrational levels, we need to keep releasing our emotions, none of which matter or have any power, unless we make them matter or assign a meaning to the feeling, because the light that we are never changes.

    Panache describes being Naked as stripping away everything to get to a place of NO-THING-NESS. And from this place of no-thing-ness, we understand that we are…

    A NO-Body, Experiencing NO-Thing and Going NO-Where!

    The road to madness is to drive ourselves crazy as a result of Wanting to be SOME-One, Experiencing SOME-Thing and Going SOME-Where!

    As we continue being a NO-Body, everything happens spontaneously through us. Panache asks us to be available, to be present and to watch what happens. When we are willing to be open, the universe will do the rest as the Divine’s version of our life is always better than our own!

    By being who we are, our light becomes so strong that we remind others of their own light and who they really are. Our gift to the world is to find our own expression in whatever we are doing and whatever it is, to do it our own way. The world is how WE see it; and we need to have the courage to see the good in everyone and everything.

    It is time to make LOVE the New Normal as everything we do that takes us away from being open and available for life is a distraction. As we become more of ourselves than we have ever allowed ourselves to be and as we begin working with spirit, there is no longer a need to hold onto our modalities as God is going to start talking to us througH EVERYONE!

    No Lessons – Just Experiences!

    Panache-Head-Shot-Real-TalkEven though Panache believes that we are here to have experiences – not to learn lessons – he is nevertheless an engaging and entertaining teacher who had us all laughing and crying in equal measure throughout the course of the weekend!

    Panache raised the vibrational levels in the room to such an extent that by the Sunday morning I could feel the waves of energy flowing throughout my body as I began clearing not just my own ‘stuff’, but many lifetimes of fear based belief systems from seven past generations of family members. By clearing these huge blockages of fear stuck in my energy field Panache explained that I had also freed the negative energy blockages from seven future generations of my family; all of which all sounds pretty cool to me!

    Having been immersed in this hugely transformational experience with Panache, things have begun to change for me on many different levels already. At the time of writing this piece, two days after the I AM Experience, my body is beginning to catch up with the shifts in my energy field and I am now feeling much lighter, freer and in a greater place of self-love than I have ever experienced in the past.

    Panache’s message might be a simple one but the shifts in consciousness that he facilitated during the course of the weekend are truly powerful beyond measure.

    It feels wonderful to be part of this rapidly expanding global Desai family and as Panache rightly says, there is no need to come back for another such experience as we now truly understand that there wasn’t anything to ‘fix’ because we were never ‘broken’ in the first place!

    However, if we do chose to attend another event in the future…and I can almost guarantee that many of us will… it will be because we have chosen to experience some more of Panache’s good vibrations; to have fun meeting some of our ‘old friends’ and to enjoy seeing the beauty of ourselves being reflected by a group of people representing our fellow 7.2 billion beautiful beings on this planet!

    It was a priceless gift to have experienced this very special weekend with Panache in such an intimate setting. I truly believe that he will soon become a household name and that the next time he is back in town, he will be speaking to crowds of hundreds – if not thousands of new fans!

    Such is the power of his gift to reconnect us to our true selves that everyone will be wanting to ‘Meet their Old Friend – Panache Desai.’

    Panache Live

    Panache’s next live event is Living in the Heart of Possibility at the Global Gathering in Florida on 21st-23rd June.

    Living in the Heart of Possibility – Global Gathering: June 21-23 from Panache Desai on Vimeo.



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