Tag : Kabbalah

  • David Wells – Multi Dimensional Soul Lives

    Posted Mar 16th, 2014 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Inspirational Talk
    Wed 2nd July 2014

    The True Extent of Our Soul’s Being

    Many of Us are becoming increasingly aware of the True Extent of our Soul’s Being; Unlimited in what it Has Done and What it Can Do.

    Past Life Work has led David to a new understanding of the multi faceted soul; a universal energy that holds information that is challenging, but sings its song of truth to those ready to hear it.

    Much is made of Between Lives. Times when we aren’t incarnate on earth, but the soul has no in-between. It is an ever evolving consciousness that gathers information and wisdom as it travels the mulitiverse; in and out of different dimensions including some that are still being revealed through the experiences of those now incarnating to bring the message onto the earth plane.

    A Personal Invite from David to Explore Your
    Multi-Dimensional Soul Lives


    The Awakening

    Those awakening now are feeling their light bodies more than ever. Food is a challenge, as is noise, sleep and even the physical body.

    And those dreams; are they just dreams, or are you remembering?

    Over the past few years David has taken himself out of the mainstream MBS circuit to learn more about his twin flame energy and the opportunities that presents.

    Through working with new guides and ascended masters, David is now ready to share these new teachings and visualizations and for us to discover our true light being.

    It is time for us to re-connect to all that we are.



    We have some great ticket offers for the first guests to book their seats!

    FIRST FIFTEEN tickets are available at just £15.00

    EARLY BIRD TICKETS are priced at just £20.00

    No Booking Fees!!!


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Maggy Whitehouse – Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

    Posted Sep 10th, 2012 By in Archives With | No Comments

    Workshop – Postponed

    Kabbalah: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been postponed until early 2013. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    No, Kabbalah isn’t all about Madonna, red-string bracelets, 72 different names for God or Jewish men in black hats, although you could be forgiven for thinking that!

    Kabbalah is the only complete Western Mystical Tradition.

    It’s an oral teaching passed down from mystic to mystic and it’s about truth, beauty, loving kindness, sacred masculine and divine feminine, the soul’s path, fate and destiny, reincarnation, angels and spiritual development.  It has never been a religion but it has always been a structure that underpins pretty well every faith system and most of the world’s New Age beliefs. It helps fit together everything good that you’ve ever learnt.

    Kabbalah itself is the Hebrew word for ‘receive’ and this is ‘the received wisdom’ that updates itself for every generation.

    What you will take home from this workshop:

    •    The importance of your own spiritual path and your unique relationship with Divinity, whatever you may choose to call It
    •    Knowledge of the sacred masculine and divine feminine that goes back thousands of years – including details of ‘the Lord and his wife’ in the Old Testament
    •    How and why your ego resists your spiritual development — and how this can be overcome
    •    The nature of your Soul, and how to discover your destiny
    •   How to understand the Kabbalistic diagrams of The Tree of Life and Jacob’s Ladder and how they can help in your development and in understanding how the Universe works
    •    The Cosmic Paradox of Unity and duality — how the Divine is both within us and of us and is something that we can call upon whenever we need help
    •   An understanding of how the Bible can still be used as a spiritual awakening manual even today.

    The workshop will include an internal journey:
    Merkabah Ascent — to Experience Unity with the Divine.


    Ticket Prices

    Early Bird Tickets are available until 21st October priced at just £55.00

    Save £20.00 off the full  ticket price of £75.00


    [mappress mapid=”2″]

    The Crown Hotel
    (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP United Kingdom

    Our venue offers great dining at reasonable prices.
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.) Chertsey train station is just a few minutes drive away.

  • Maggy Whitehouse – Living Abundantly

    Posted Jul 24th, 2011 By in Archives With | No Comments

    Wednesday 7th December 2011

    The Road to Joy – is the Road Itself!

    We can’t ‘get there from here’ if every day is a struggle – whether it’s with happiness, relationships, finances or health.

    For many of us, understanding the Law of Attraction and following a spiritual path has helped our lives in many ways, but there are still blocks that don’t seem to want to be cleared. This is because we haven’t managed to engage the ego; the part of our brain with the job of keeping us alive and safe. The ego doesn’t want us to be happier or healthier because that would threaten all the unconscious beliefs that it has maintained for years. It has decreed a ‘Happiness Set Point’ that it will fight to maintain.

    We don’t want to annihilate the ego — without it we would forget how to walk or drive! — but we have to understand it, and engage with it, if we are to raise our Happiness Set Point to live a more abundant and productive life.

    Once we understand the vibrational differences between ego, self, soul and spirit, we can create and allow the mystical path of health, abundance and joy. Discover your ‘Happiness Set Point’ and how to raise it slowly, enjoyably, gently — and permanently.

    This talk with with Maggy Whitehouse, author of the bestselling From Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity, will show you how to discover your ‘happiness set point’ and how to raise it slowly, enjoyably, gently — and permanently.

    Maggy provides simple, practical yet profound answers to the issues that may block us from living abundantly and following the life of our dreams. Maggy is a mystic for the modern world using ancient wisdom to demonstrate the inner path to an abundant life.


    Maggy is the author of sixteen books on spiritual growth, a minister in an independent sacramental church, co-founder of La Convivencia, an open-faith foundation promoting links between mystical beliefs worldwide and an expert on interpreting the ancient Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah.Maggy provides simple, practical yet profound answers to the issues that may block us from living abundantly and following the life of our dreams.

    “We can experience prosperity, health and joy whatever the external circumstances and Maggy can show you how.” Dr David Hamilton.

    “Maggy brings together prosperity and spirituality in inspirational, practical and liberating ways.”
    Nick Williams.


    Ticket Prices

    £15.00 (no booking fees) – Save £5.00 by booking online

    There may be a limited number of tickets available on the door at a cost of  £20.00.
    However – to ensure your place, please book your ticket online using the booking form below


    [mappress mapid=”2″]

    The Crown Hotel
    (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 supper menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.) Chertsey train station is just a few minutes drive away.

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