Tag : Leo Rutherford

  • Leo Rutherford – Shamanic Remote Viewing Experience

    Posted Mar 18th, 2014 By in Archives With | No Comments
    A Shamanic
    Remote Viewing Experience
    Thurs 26th June 2014

    A Journey into the Future with Leo Rutherford

    2016psispyOur Day to Day Reality is Significantly Influenced by our Belief Systems.

    While we are on Automatic Response what we see will be according to our deeply held programmes.

    Therefore in order to See into a Future World we need to get outside of our routine consciousness and Enter the Imagination to get past the barriers of seemingly separate times and places.

    During the Remote Viewing Experience, we enter into a space where ordinary activity and rational thinking are ceased and timeless time is evoked. Normality is suspended by agreement and we travel in non-localised time and space.

    At the end of the Remote Viewing Journey, we piece together the observations of every participant to create pictures of the likely future for the time period we explored during the Remote Viewing Experience.

    A Shared Experience

    This process of Shared Remote Viewing shows us how connected we are to each other and to that which creates What we Experience as Reality.

    While in the everyday world we seem very individual and separate, once we shift our consciousness to the inner/higher planes, we find we are deeply connected as parts of a much bigger consciousness.

    During this Powerful Transformational Experience, we are shown that our seeming separateness is an illusion, and that by pooling our ‘seeing’ we can access otherwise hidden knowledge of our future and of far away events.

    It’s like having a rainbowy circle you can see when you close your eyes, and the circle gets bigger, and inside that circle it’s like watching a film!”

    It is an exploration where ordinary activity and rational thinking cease and we enter non-localised time/ space. There we can explore the edges of perceivable reality. At the end we piece together the observations of every participant to create pictures of the likely future.

    This process of shared remote viewing shows us how connected we are to each other and to that which creates what we experience as reality.

    The Shaman ‘walks with one foot in the everyday and one in the spirit world’.

    Please bring a rug and/or cushion for maximum relaxation and enjoyment of the experience


    TEN @ TEN!

    Be One of the First Ten People to Book YOUR Ticket for Leo Rutherford’s REMOTE VIEWING EXPERIENCE for Just £10.00!

    When these are sold out, you may still be lucky enough to be one of the Next 10 People to Book a Ticket for Just £15.00!

    Don’t Delay – BOOK TODAY!

    (Tickets on the door will be priced at £30.00)


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    The Barn Church
    Attwood Avenue,
    TW9 4HF
    United Kingdom

    The venue is situated about 10 minutes walk from Kew Gardens Station, or a short bus ride from Richmond Station.

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