Tag : May 2013

  • What’s Made Me Who I Am?

    Posted Mar 21st, 2013 By in Blog With | No Comments

    A Guest Blog Post by Panache Desai

    Who Are You?

    Your story? I am a victim of abuse… a social wall flower…  a type A overachiever…  chronically sick… the black sheep of the family….

    Your role?  I am a bad mother… an unmotivated worker… a frustrated spiritual seeker… an unemployed breadwinner… an exhausted caretaker….

    Your past? I am a divorcee… a high school dropout… an alcoholic…  a sufferer of depression…. 

    From the moment you were born limitations were spoken over you. Most conveyed unconsciously through the fear-based judgements of others. What self-limiting statements did you grow up hearing? You’ll never be as good as your brother… You were always frail… You’re a failure at maths… You don’t know how to get along with others… You’re as clumsy as an ox… You were born angry….

    The repetition of these judgements, at first by others and then not surprisingly by yourself, cause them to become ingrained in your subconscious.

    The Power of Connection

    In how many areas of your life have you allowed these  statements to define and limit who you are?

    As you think of them notice how you feel.

    Ready to hear how powerful you truly are?

    Because you vibrate these beliefs, life’s experiences echo these limitations back to you at every turn.

    Are you experiencing an ‘Aha’ moment right now?

    Is life today a reflection of these limitations?

    Awareness opens the door to the eradication of unconscious binding judgements.  You’ve just taken the first step to radically shifting your life. At the deepest level of your being – your vibrational expression – you are something far greater than you’ve ever allowed yourself to be.

    You are whoever you say you are.

    The power of I AM makes it so.

    I Am more than I’ve ever allowed myself to be.

    Will you receive it?

  • Panache Desai – The I AM Experience

    Posted Mar 21st, 2013 By in Mind Body Spirit Events With | 1 Comment


    Welcome to Panache Desai’s first UK Event in association with
    Naked Dragon Presents…

    The I AM Experience – Shifting Limitations to Possibility

    Join contemporary thought leader and London native Panache Desai for his only 2013 European visit – a 3-day advanced, intensive and highly experiential exploration of your innate power to completely transform your limited self-perception and begin living the life of your dreams.

    During this dynamic weekend, participants will shift their vibration and frequency and break free of self-imposed limitations, release suffering, shatter self-defeating beliefs, and dissipate the heaviness that keeps them from living their greatest expression and accessing their highest purpose.

    This is an opportunity to share an intimate weekend with Panache and is for those ready to completely change the very fabric of their reality.

    About Panache Desai

    panache150Recently featured on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday, Panache is an emissary of Divine love, a vibrational catalyst and an old friend you asked a long time ago to remind you at the very moment of your brilliance, perfection and connection to limitless potential.

    Native born Londoner, Panache Desai is a contemporary spiritual teacher and inspirational visionary whose gift of vibrational transformation has drawn thousands of people from around the world. Recently appearing on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday he is not aligned with any religious or spiritual tradition, he acts as a direct line to divine consciousness empowering people to free themselves of pain, suffering, sadness, and self-limiting beliefs through shifting one’s energy and vibration.

    Read Panache’s Guest Blog – What’s Made Me Who I Am


    17 – 19 May 2013


    Royal Over-Seas League
    Park Place,
    St. James’s Street,
    London SW1A 1LR

    Tel: +44 (0) 207 408 0214


    For further details and tickets, please click HERE


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