Tag : Mind Body Spirit Events

  • Gordon Smith – Intuitive Studies

    Posted Jan 23rd, 2012 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Wed 25th July 2012

    Connecting with your Personal Spirit Guide

    In these fast changing and challenging times, world renowned medium, Gordon Smith believes it is crucial that we all find a way to connect as powerfully as possible with Spirit.

    Over the past two years he has been receiving guidance from his own guides on effective ways to help empower people to make direct connection with their own teachers in the Spirit world.

    Gordon is keen to help people find their own personal connection – rather than rely on mediums as an intermediary.

    No message from a medium is as powerful as that direct personal connection with your own guide and this connection is a pathway to Spiritual Development – not just an isolated sequence of spiritual insights.

    Gordon has found his own guides to be very keen to teach this path of spiritual development in this time and believes that our guides are waiting for us to invite them to share their wisdom with us.


    In this evening’s talk he will introduce people to some of the best practices and exercises for opening our awareness to Spirit.  He will talk about ways of joining with others to make a connection together and to ultimately form a ‘Circle’ if people want to expand their connection.

    Gordon will share experiences from his own mediumistic circle and speak about how linking in this way can help to expand our individual consciousness.

    Ticket Prices



    If the booking form is still showing below, it means we have a few tickets left.

    However, if the form is no longer visible, we are very sorry but it means that the ticket have all been sold.


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • The UK’s Online Mind Body Spirit Events Wizard

    Posted Sep 3rd, 2011 By in Mind Body Spirit Events With | No Comments

    Merlin’s Diary was Born Out of a Need

    A need to raise consciousness about the myriad Mind Body Spirit events that take place every day throughout the UK.

    Local notice-boards only capture a small part of a potential market, online websites often contain a mass of information which is difficult to search through, and e-newsletters are notoriously susceptible to ending up in trash/junk mail boxes! Disseminating and finding relevant information is clearly difficult for both organisers and audiences alike.

    What we wanted was a powerful search tool where we could just punch in a term such as ‘happiness’ or ‘meditation’, give our postcode, and instantly get back relevant events complete with distance from our home.

    Nothing like it existed on the net. And so, with the technical skills of Nina Richards at http://www.nicedream.co.uk/ we set about creating Merlin’s Diary.

    About Us

    We are a family partnership based in South East England who have been putting on MBS events for several years. In the last year we have created a dedicated space for inspirational events, and in so doing we have seen how difficult it is to circulate event information to a targeted audience; and many of our guests have voiced their frustration that they hadn’t heard of us before and had missed key events.

    We hope you enjoy the experience of visiting our website and that you will help spread the word to your fellow MBS loving friends and family.

    Our Values

    We at Merlin’s Diary value the free dissemination of UK Mind Body Spirit event information. We value all life and seek to create a working environment that honours integrity, compassion, fun, peace, acceptance, trust, patience, inspiration, happiness, honesty, personal responsibility, passion, love, authenticity, freedom and balance, and which celebrates the significance of each one of us on the planet, no matter what our job status or personal standing.

    We embrace opportunities to employ new economic models that come from love as opposed to fear. We highly value our connection to both our local community and the wider MBS community both across the UK and across the globe. We seek to provide an online environment which honours personal and community growth and development.

    We operate an ethical financial approach which is in harmony with our values. We see ourselves as a free and widely accessible channel of constantly changing holistic events information.


  • The Mystery Experience – Summer Residential Retreat with Tim Freke

    Posted Sep 3rd, 2011 By in Spiritual Holidays & Retreats With | No Comments
    About the Retreat

    You can experience a spiritual awakening over the course of a weekend retreat using the groundbreaking ‘mystery method’.

    It sounds outrageous, but the vast majority of those who’ve attended a ‘mystery experience retreat’ have directly tasted the wonderful oneness and all-embracing love that naturally arises in the awakened state.

    These retreats are powerfully transformative, but extremely relaxed and great fun. They attract men and woman of all ages and backgrounds, some of whom are long-time spiritual explorers and others who are new to the possibility of awakening.

    This retreat is going to be very popular and places are limited, so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment.



    14th – 16th September 2012

    Arrival from 16.00 Friday in time for dinner at 18.00. Ends around 15.15 on Sunday.


    The Abbey House, Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8DH.

    This beautiful venue is situated in the original grounds of Glastonbury Abbey. Guests enjoy the privilege of access to the ruins of the Abbey from the house gardens. Glastonbury is a magical little town, which was an ancient centre for Pagan and Christian initiation. Glastonbury Tor, an ancient Pagan sacred mound, is said to be the Isle of Avalon of Arthurian legend.


    £340 including food and accommodation at Abbey House. Deposit of £80 with the full amount payable 2 months before the event. We really want to make it as easy as possible for people to attend, so if you prefer to pay by installments this can be arranged.

    For Further Information or To Book

    Visit website HERE

    Contact Debbie at [ debbie@timothyfreke.com ] or phone UK (0)781 786 8859

    If you cancel your place and we are able to fill it, we will be delighted to refund your payment minus your deposit, which will cover administration costs. If we are forced to cancel the seminar for unforeseen reasons, we will provide a full refund, but regret that we cannot be liable for any other expenses incurred.

  • A Day of Angelic Inspiration

    Posted Aug 24th, 2011 By in Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews, Reviews With | No Comments

    When I first met Angel Man Brian Mills many years ago,  through our mutual friend, Inspired Entrepreneur, Nick Williams, I was totally bowled over by Brian’s enthusiasm and passion for his two greatest loves – Angels & Movies. Read More »

  • The Mystery Experience Retreat with Tim Freke

    Posted Jul 27th, 2011 By in Mind Body Spirit Event Reviews, Reviews With | No Comments

    Reviews by Patricia Field & Aurele Hedley

    Introduction by Julie Bryant

    As an event organiser and promoter, it is wonderful to receive feedback about how our guests have enjoyed so many new experiences and wonderful new connections as a result of attending one of our events. Read More »

  • Aidan McIntyre – The Magic of The Gong

    Posted Jul 25th, 2011 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Gong Bath Experience
    Wednesday 14th December 2011

    A Special Festive Event with Gong Master Aidan McIntyre

    If you have yet to experience the Magic of a Gong Bath –  you are in for a very special festive treat!

    Bathing us in waves of beautiful and timeless vibrations; the Gong Bath has been likened to a mini-vacation, in which we become both the bubble and the sea as we experience a sense of disappearing and reappearing, leading us to new beginnings and a fresh place of self-healing and self revelation.

    The powerful vibrations of the gong transport us to another level of being; a place where healing naturally occurs and the stresses of every day life are gently washed away.

    Enjoy feeling immersed in an unlimited, infinite sound space, bathed by fluid, ever-changing melodies and harmonies blended with grace and lightness. Relax and let go as the sounds and vibrations deepen your feelings of connection to Source.


    Begin the festive season in a perfect state of joy and bliss with a sense of increased vitality, calmness, balanced emotions and feelings of self-empowerment

    Please bring a rug and/or cushion for maximum relaxation and enjoyment of the experience.

    Ticket Prices

    £25.00 – On the door
    Advance Booking (no booking fees – save £5.00 per ticket by booking in advance )

    To ensure your place –  please book your ticket by using the booking form below the venue details.


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 supper menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Maggy Whitehouse – Living Abundantly

    Posted Jul 24th, 2011 By in Archives With | No Comments

    Wednesday 7th December 2011

    The Road to Joy – is the Road Itself!

    We can’t ‘get there from here’ if every day is a struggle – whether it’s with happiness, relationships, finances or health.

    For many of us, understanding the Law of Attraction and following a spiritual path has helped our lives in many ways, but there are still blocks that don’t seem to want to be cleared. This is because we haven’t managed to engage the ego; the part of our brain with the job of keeping us alive and safe. The ego doesn’t want us to be happier or healthier because that would threaten all the unconscious beliefs that it has maintained for years. It has decreed a ‘Happiness Set Point’ that it will fight to maintain.

    We don’t want to annihilate the ego — without it we would forget how to walk or drive! — but we have to understand it, and engage with it, if we are to raise our Happiness Set Point to live a more abundant and productive life.

    Once we understand the vibrational differences between ego, self, soul and spirit, we can create and allow the mystical path of health, abundance and joy. Discover your ‘Happiness Set Point’ and how to raise it slowly, enjoyably, gently — and permanently.

    This talk with with Maggy Whitehouse, author of the bestselling From Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity, will show you how to discover your ‘happiness set point’ and how to raise it slowly, enjoyably, gently — and permanently.

    Maggy provides simple, practical yet profound answers to the issues that may block us from living abundantly and following the life of our dreams. Maggy is a mystic for the modern world using ancient wisdom to demonstrate the inner path to an abundant life.


    Maggy is the author of sixteen books on spiritual growth, a minister in an independent sacramental church, co-founder of La Convivencia, an open-faith foundation promoting links between mystical beliefs worldwide and an expert on interpreting the ancient Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah.Maggy provides simple, practical yet profound answers to the issues that may block us from living abundantly and following the life of our dreams.

    “We can experience prosperity, health and joy whatever the external circumstances and Maggy can show you how.” Dr David Hamilton.

    “Maggy brings together prosperity and spirituality in inspirational, practical and liberating ways.”
    Nick Williams.


    Ticket Prices

    £15.00 (no booking fees) – Save £5.00 by booking online

    There may be a limited number of tickets available on the door at a cost of  £20.00.
    However – to ensure your place, please book your ticket online using the booking form below


    [mappress mapid=”2″]

    The Crown Hotel
    (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 supper menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.) Chertsey train station is just a few minutes drive away.

  • Barefoot & Leakster – Live Positive Message Music Interactive Show – SPECIAL DEBUT PERFORMANCE!

    Posted Jul 24th, 2011 By in Archives With | 1 Comment
    Wednesday 30th November 2011

    Barefoot & Leakster

    Live Positive Message Music Interactive Show

    An evening of spiritual rhythm ‘n’ blues with Barefoot Doctor and Russell Leak.

    Starting with a live and spontaneous talk by Barefoot on how to vastly improve your life by giving yourself positive messages, how to formulate positive messages for maximum impact and how – using the ancient Taoist wu wei manifesting system combined with positive messages – could bring you everything you ever wanted.

    This is followed by an unprecedented live jam session rendition with full audience participation of Barefoot & Leakster’s new Positive Message Music album, a rhythm ‘n’ blues song cycle addressing and providing remedy for every single aspect of the existential crisis, and fairly guaranteed to have you walking out of there on air, confidence boosted, spirits lifted and heart opened wide with love – and remaining that way for ages and ages!

    Barefoot & Leakster ‘Get Spanky’!


    Get the preview What You Focus On Grows EP at: What You Focus On Grows

    Ticket Prices

    £25.00 – On the door
    Advance Booking (no booking fees – save £5.00 per ticket by booking in advance )

    As this very special event is likely to be sold out – please book your ticket online using the booking form below.


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 supper menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • David Wells – Connecting with Your Psychic Self

    Posted Jul 20th, 2011 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Wednesday 23th November 2011

    If you’ve ever walked into a room and felt immediately uncomfortable – and most of us have – what was it that made you feel that way?

    Energy is the key to developing your psychic self. Understanding how to work with it, as well as developing your visualisation skills, will encourage your psychic growth.

    David will help you understand the energy that’s all around you, how to read it your way, and how to make those links with your guides and helpers who constantly surround you.

    Starting with the four basic elements of Fire, Air, Earth and Water; you will learn to connect with your guides and will end the evening by sending a psychic message to someone close to you.

    David will take you on a journey that awakens your power – reminding you of just how psychic you truly are.


    With successful television appearances on programmes such as Your Stars, Jane Goldman Investigates, Big Brother, Fame Academy, RI:SE, GMTV, Heaven on Earth and Most Haunted; David is a popular household name within the paranormal genre.

    He is an outstanding astrologer, past life therapist, author, teacher and presenter whose unique sense of humour and vibrant personality captivates audiences far and wide.

    Meet the Author

    If you would like to meet David before his talk, he can be found at Chertsey Book Shop for a book signing between 5-5.30pm. Please join us for coffee and cake and to say ‘hello!’

    Dine with Wine

    Or maybe you fancy treating yourself and friend to supper before – or after the talk. The Crown Hotel has a great offer for supper for two – including a bottle of wine – for just £20.00!

    Just click on the Logo and you will be directed to a page where you can download your voucher.

    Please call the hotel directly to reserve your table. Tel: 01932 564657

    Ticket Prices

    £20.00 – On the door
    Advance Booking (no booking fees – save £5.00 per ticket by booking in advance )

    Please book your ticket for this event by using the booking form below the venue details.


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 supper menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Davina MacKail – Discovering the Gift of your Shadow Self

    Posted Jul 20th, 2011 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Saturday 19th November 2011

    During this powerful workshop you will discover the laws of living magically by learning to face, own and understand the gifts of your Shadow side.

    As children we are 360 degree radiance. However, we lose energy and power by disowning aspects of ourselves as we proceed through life.

    Based on ancient Shamanic practices, this workshop is designed to allow you to recognise and dance with your darker aspects and reclaim your power and truth.

    We have a light shadow as well as a dark one and we will explore how you can reclaim any disowned positive aspects of self as well as the negative.  In this way you can return yourself to wholeness and experience your true joy.

    This will be a practical, fun day that may prove challenging to some and will be a revelation to all.  The atmosphere will be safe and supportive to allow you to work deep within your own disowned psyche to fully claim back your power, your energy and your authentic expression.

    ***We are delighted to announce that Janey Lee Grace will be writing a feature for Spirit & Destiny Magazine based on Davina’s workshop this coming Saturday.

    This is great news for Naked Dragon and we want to share our good fortune by offering the remaining tickets to this workshop for the great price of just £45.00 – an amazing saving of £30.00 off the original ticket price of £75.00! ***

    Please note that tickets are limited and available on a ‘first come – first served’ basis

    To purchase your discounted ticket, please enter the voucher code DMW on the booking form below

    To read Davina’s recent blog post ‘The Gift of Our Dark Side’ please click HERE


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 lunch menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests

    Parking is available – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

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