Tag : Stewart Pearce

  • We Are Two!

    Posted May 13th, 2013 By in Latest News With | No Comments

    Naked Dragon is Two Years Old this May! 


    And What a Thrilling, Inspirational and Amazing Two Years it Has Been! 

    Since our launch event in Surrey in May 2011 with our first guest speaker; best selling author and creator of The Mystery Experience – Tim Freke, it continues to be a great joy to offer a platform to the best of today’s Inspirational Speakers and Sound Performers. 

    Nurturing and developing our community has been fuelled by love and it is a real joy to have discovered that by following my passion in such a way that Naked Dragon has quickly become my life’s work. And as work has become play – and play has become work – I have found myself dancing the beautiful dance of life as many aspects of my life begin to gently flow into one another.

    Over the past two years it has been a great pleasure to have presented …

    57 x Unique Inspirational Experiences with…
    34 x Fantastic Speakers and Performers at…
    7 x Gorgeous Venues 

    And we were recently delighted to learn that we had connected with more than 30,000 people last month!

    Last year we were also honoured to have been invited to sponsor… 

    2 x Film Premières

    Three Magic Words featuring Gregg Braden
    Road to Peace featuring HH The Dalai Lama

    I would like to take this opportunity to offer a HUGE thank you to all our fantastic speakers …

    speakers montage

    Robert Holden Phd • Dr David Hamilton • Lynne McTaggart • Jason Chan • Sandy C. Newbigging • Kyle Gray • Tim Freke • Marie Claire Carlyle • The Barefoot Doctor • Janey Lee Grace • Mike George • Alla Svirinskaya • Tim Wheater • Brian Mills • Lucinda Drayton • Nick Williams • Russell Leak • David Wells • Tao Porchon-Lynch • Maggy Whitehouse • Aidan McIntyre • Stewart Pearce • Tad Hargrave • Karen Knowler • Andy Dovey • Katie Rose • Louise Presley Turner • John C. Parkin • Peter Owen Jones • Karen Knowler • Nick Williams • John Whiteman • Davina MacKail • Barbara Meiklejohn-Free


    It has been a real pleasure to have hosted so many amazing teachers through our series of inspirational  events and I am very grateful for all the love and support everyone has given Naked Dragon over the past two years.

    I would also like to offer a HUGE Thank You to our Wonderful Sponsors who have been so very generous with their support. Most of these are small businesses who don’t have large marketing budgets and yet each one of them has gone out of their way to ensure that the gifts they have given for our exclusive goody bags of Dragon Delights are of the highest quality. Thank you all.

    I am so excited to be celebrating our 2nd Birthday on Wednesday evening at our special event – Infinite Abundance – with Energy Master and Best Selling Author Jason Chan. 

    Hope to see you there!

    With much Love and Infinite Gratitude,
    Juls xxx
    The Dragon Lady!

    Our Wonderful Sponsors

    Our Sponsors

    Birthday Messages from Our Sponsors  

    Wow, what a couple of years Julie! :)You have worked wonders in creating an amazing community of inspirational speakers and always in a beautiful environment. You have touched many souls and instigated many breakthroughs for many people from the sacred space of the talks, workshops and special retreats that you have beautifully created. Happy birthday celebrations and may the success of Naked Dragon long continue for the benefit of all who have the pleasure of encountering the ‘Dragon Lady’! ♥
    Hugs, K xx The Aromatree Company 

    From our family to yours, wishing you a very happy 2nd Birthday. Thank you for being a vehicle of light and love. What you have achieved thus far is nothing short of spectacular ♥ Panache Desai and all of us at Team Desai

    “Happy Birthday, wonderful to see the success of such an awesome venture, looking forward to contributing some vouchers for anyone with a heart centred business to PR themselves to success…look forward to working with you.”
    Janey Lee Grace

    I am gutted I can’t be at your event and to share a glass of champers!! Have a fabulous time. Send me some pics!! xxx Katie Phillips Daring & Mighty 

    “Wishing you many Happy Returns for your 2nd Birthday at Naked Dragon and here’s to many more”! From All at Hay House 

    Wishing you a fabulous 2nd Birthday Juls at Naked Dragon – a great achievement!! Keep raising those vibes! From all of us at Merlin’s Diary 

    What a wonderful 2nd birthday event to celebrate 2 years of amazing events and many more to come. Well done Julie Bryant for all your hard work and for building a fantastic business to be proud of! It’s pleasure to know and work with you.
    The Holistic Directory

    Congratulations on two sensational years Naked Dragon. Thank you for all the wonderful talks, inspirational workshops and holistic events. We look forward to a lifetime of joy with our Naked Dragon family.
    The Henna Den Girls xxx

    Thanks so much guys…you ROCK!

    Each of our sponsors has generously donated some fantastic birthday treats for our limited edition bags of DRAGON DELIGHTS – including some very special gifts created just for us.

    To join us for the celebrations, please book one of the few remaining tickets before they are ALL GONE!

  • Stewart Pearce – And so it is in Heaven

    Posted Feb 9th, 2013 By in Archives With | 1 Comment
    One-Day Workshop
    Sat 8th June 2013


    An Inspirational Workshop for Human Encounters with Angelic Presence using the Refined Vibration of Angelic Sound Healing

    Stewart Pearce presents another amazing workshop with the Angels of Atlantis taking us to the very heart of experience; to the very seat of the soul; and to the absolute joy and well being of knowing Heaven on Earth

    On this occasion Stewart will share with us the experience of: 

    • angel-orb-mahatma-energy-cambodia-340x453Stories of Angelic Orb encounters
    • Paradigm teachings the Angels are giving you at this time
    • Ways of increasing the light force of your Energy Field
    • Training in transparent well being
    • Angelic Sonic Meditations that create super-coherence
    • How your own Guardian Angel may suffuse your force
    • The medium of the newly released ANGEL HEART SIGILS ORACLE
    • What is the magic of the Sigils? Sigils are magical symbols that hold the vibrational essence of the material being

    The Intuition of the Heart is the Superhighway where the Angels roam, and Stewart will be using powerful meditations to set on fire your own intuitive powers enabling you to experience closeness to the Angelic Communion and to connect with forms of personal bliss and vitality hitherto not experienced.


    There will be a long midday break for you to enjoy the beautiful gardens of Sedgwick Park and to walk the labyrinth to find yourself.

    Please bring Vegetarian food to share

    Stewart Pearce is a legendary Sound Healer, Seer and Angel Medium who has published The Alchemy of Voice, The Heart’s Note, the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards, The Angels of Atlantis Book and the Angel Heart Sigils Oracle. 

    Ticket Prices


    Please note that you don’t need a PayPal account to pay by credit card. Just click the PayPal checkout button and  follow the further instructions where you will be invited to pay by credit card.


    Sedgwick Park House

    Sedgwick Park House
    Sedgwick Park
    Horsham, West Sussex
    RH13 6QQ
    United Kingdom

    [mappress mapid=”3″]

  • Are You Truly Listening to The Angels?

    Posted Mar 1st, 2012 By in Blog With | No Comments

    A Guest Blog by Stewart Pearce

    The Angels of Atlantis want to drench our lives with their inter-stellar intelligence, suffused with the purity of their unconditional love.

    They hover, waiting to show us that we are simply much more than that we first thought, felt or imagined. For they wish to bring us into direct communion with The Source.

    They wish to diminish within us the notion that we are separate from the ALL THAT IS.

    So can you allow yourself to be bathed in their presence?

    The Angels use this extraordinary time to encourage us to reinvent the wheel – that is to shift our perspective from the fixation we have with being alone. They wish to recalibrate our vision, so that we feel the connectivity of the Galaxy, and they pledge assistance to our restless creativity for one measure only, to aid us in our relationship with the divine.

    A separation took place from the ALL THAT IS in the sixteenth century during the era known as the ENLIGHTENMENT, when the materialists flatly refused to honour that the Universe had a Soul.

    Ironically, this occurred just after the second most significant wave of Angels the planet had ever seen, that being the Italian Renaissance, when great Artists captured Angelic nature in their beautiful paintings.

    For example observe the Annunciation of Mary by Raphael, or the depiction of Heaven in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo.

    Now the Angels are with us once again in another time of Renaissance, as many of us are feeling that we stand on the brink of a massive change, a shifting point of Divine proportion.

    You see the space between God and Man is decreasing, the light-years between the Galaxy and Planet Earth are diminishing, the chasm between the Light and the Dark is morphing, and the void between Love and Hate is lessening.

    Within this transition lies a path towards super-coherence – an opportunity to dispel the urge for separation, and instead we can become fifth-dimensional beings.

    Living thus, we will glimpse our soul’s inheritance as a portal to inclusivity – a transition that does not need to be accomplished alone.

    Although many of us have sought healing over the years, and have taken responsibility for our sorrows and pains, waking to the notion that healing means a movement back to wholeness; Jungian Analysis has brought us the compelling nature of individuation, and simultaneously produced a level of personal independence that can overly-control our lives. If so, we then wake to the notion that we’ve created another point of resistance and in this sense a false sense of exclusivity.

    The point is we don’t need to relinquish this resistance alone, for the Angels are stirring us through their eternal love to recognize that We and the Universe are evolving together.

    They urge that we imagine shades of experience, rather than the force of opposites, encouraging us to at last see ourselves free of limiting thought patterns. For in the fifth dimension we will feel ourselves forever experiencing the oneness of all as a heightened state of interdependence.

    Inevitably, this will alter our expression and understanding of the free-will arena, because the either/or perspective will become diffused into the ever-evolving Oneness of the eternal present.

    Not that duality will cease to exist, for if we are to truly know ‘freedom of choice’ – the motivational driver of our existence – this evolutionary trigger will need to be with us to diminish any passivity or inertia. Can you imagine what it will be like to see the world through the Eyes of Source?

    This is why the Angels refer to us as being the Dream Weavers of the Universe!

    Stewart Pearce (copyright)

    ***Stewart will be hosting an evening workshop at Naked Dragon on Wednesday 7th March***

    For further details and to book your ticket, please click HERE

  • Stewart Pearce – Angelic Sound Healing & Alchemy of Voice

    Posted Jan 30th, 2012 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Sound & Voice Experience
    Wed 7th March 2012
    7.30pm – 10pm

    During the ‘Harmonic Convergence’ of 1987 Stewart was given divine transmission from Twelve Archangels. These wondrous Light Beings gave inspirational information about the vast planetary and cosmic changes that would take place for the Dawning of Aquarius.

    Subsequently Stewart created a Temple of Sound Healing known as THE ALCHEMY OF VOICE.

    In this Unique Evening Workshop you will explore powerful Sonic Meditations and Mind-Body Experiences to stimulate heightened awareness.

    You will feel an inspired connection with a communion of light known as the Angels of Atlantis, connect with your own Guardian Angel, and discover the “7 Steps to Heaven” – the maxims that the people of Atlantis lived by.

    This civilization disappeared 12,000 years ago, and yet Stewart has unique information about an island within the Bermuda Triangle where he runs Exotic Retreats for the Angels of Atlantis and their quintessential teaching.

    During this evening’s workshop you will:

    • Discover the song of your soul – your own signature note
    • Rebalance Chakra disturbances
    • Be inspired by Angelic Elixir
    • Transmute any challenge that ceases your creativity
    • Engage in profound Sonic meditations
    • Rediscover the Sound of the Soul of the Cosmos
    • Feel vital well-being creating sustainable JOY


    Ticket Prices

    £20.00Advance Booking (no booking fees – save £5.00 per ticket by booking in advance )
    £25.00 – On the door

    To ensure your place –  please book your ticket by using the booking form below the venue details.


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A special £10.00 supper menu is available at the venue for all Naked Dragon guests
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright Naked Dragon.co.uk 2018