Tag : Surrey

  • David R Hamilton PhD ~ I Heart Me: The Science of Self-Love ~ Thurs 21st May @ Chertsey • Surrey

    Posted Apr 23rd, 2015 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Thurs 21st May 2015
    I Heart Me: The Science of Self-Love
    Chertsey Venue

    The Science of Self-Love

    In this inspirational and transformational talk, bestselling author David R Hamilton PhD, will explain how he fuses science with self-help to offer simple yet powerful strategies for learning to love yourself.

    I-Heart-Me-Book-CoverYou will gain some valuable insights and learn simple tools and strategies for increasing your Self-Love that you can put into place right away.

    David will explain how loving yourself means more than simply feeling good about yourself or being kind to yourself – it’s about being self-confident, being able to express yourself without fear, being unconcerned about whether you’re liked, and about living your own life, not someone else’s idea of what your life should be.

    You will be touched by the profound wisdom that David will share with us this evening and you will be inspired by the simple ways in which you can achieve significant breakthroughs in your own Self-Love journey.

    I Am Enough

    The goal of any Self-Love work is to reach a space of knowing that I Am Enough.

    To know that I am enough in all ways – just as I am. I don’t need to impress anyone. I don’t need to get people to like me. I am simply me. Right here. Right now. I am authentic and I love and accept myself just as I am.

    At least that’s the aim!

    The Three Stages of Self-Love

    This evening David will also discuss The Three Stages of Self-Love and how to move through them. 

    three-stages-of-self-loveStage One – I’m not enough
    Stage Two – I’ve had enough
    Stage Three – I am enough

    He will also introduce you to powerful transformation exercises that will leave you feeling better about yourself than you have ever felt before.

    You will learn how Self-Love can be as much about biology as psychology and how you can use that understanding to wire Self-Love into your brain.

    Ultimately, you will learn not only how to love yourself but to actually wire this Self-Love into your brain with lasting effects, bringing you unprecedented happiness and peace.


    It’s Naked Dragon’s 4th Birthday this month and we will be delighted if you choose to celebrate with us at David’s event.

    EARLY BIRD TICKETS will be on sale until Sunday 17th May…and the Birthday Cake is on us!


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • David Wells – Heavenly Minded • Earth Wise

    Posted Jan 11th, 2015 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Heavenly Minded • Earth Wise
    Sun 15th Feb 2015
    10am – 5pm

    Soul Memories – Eternal Wisdom for Daily Life

    This knowledge used to be almost completely lost as we incarnated back to earthly lives, but recently with vibrational shifts in individuals, soul groups and world consciousness – that’s no longer the case.

    metatronBut what is out there?

    What does Metatron’s retreat hold?

    How can you influence Sandalphon’s great draught board of life and your soul contract for this brief return to earth?

    And most importantly – can you make adjustments NOW?

    Heavenly Minded • Earth-Wise

    In this Experiential One-Day Workshop David will help you to piece together some of that contract; of your journey to Earth School and the knowledge that your soul carries with it just waiting to be discovered.

    past-lives-spiralIt’s an amazing feeling to fully realise that you’ve not only lived an earthly life before but the period between incarnations is filled with the joy of learning, helping others and growing your awareness to better equip yourself for future incarnations.

    Often I hear people say they have enough problems in this life without dealing with past lives, but that is the point! It’s not about living in the past, it’s about living here and now but fully living with your soul leading the way.

    Regardless of what’s happening in your life now, past life work can help put it into perspective and when you know just why you may have chosen even the most difficult of circumstances, it’s easier to not only accept, but to make changes with a new fortitude and new courage, to remove a karmic cycle once and for all.


    EARLY BIRD tickets priced at £65.00 will available until the 8th Feb 2015

    STANDARD TICKETS will be priced at £75.00


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A lunch menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Sparkle with Nia Classes

    Posted Mar 20th, 2013 By in Yoga & Dance With | No Comments

    Nia Dance Movement – A Holistic Approach

    Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that leads to health, wellness and fitness. It empowers people of all shapes and sizes by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

    The Nia Technique blends dance, martial arts, and healing arts (such as yoga), to create a dynamic fitness and lifestyle practice that changes how you experience your body and your approach to exercise. It involves dance movements, kicks, shakes, shimmying, stretches – and most likely some laughter as well!

    And the great thing about Nia is that anyone can do it – from beginner to athlete.

    Classes are taken barefoot to soul-stirring music from around the world. The training is designed for those seeking both personal enrichment and/or professional development.

    Every experience can be adapted to individual needs and abilities.

    In Cim’s Nia classes and Sparkle Workshops,  you will learn to focus on physical sensation and will become aware of what you feel and sense internally as you begin to get to know your body more intimately.

    Through learning the various Nia moves incorporated into fun routines and accompanied by music; you will learn to listen to the signals your body gives you and you will understand how to respond to these in a way that brings additional Sparkle into your life.

    Step into your own joyful journey with Nia, and positively shape the way you feel, look, think and live!

    Cim Bartlett  – Nia Teacher

    Cim runs a weekly Nia class on Monday evenings in Woking, Surrey. Each class is one hour long.

    When you register, you will receive detailed information – via e-mail – about the class, the venue address, what to wear etc.

    For futher details – or to register for a Nia dance class

    E-mail  cim@rediscoversparkle.com or visit the website here

  • Dr David Hamilton – How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body

    Posted Feb 13th, 2013 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Wed 13th March 2013

    How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body

       During this evening’s talk Dr David Hamilton will discuss:-

    two minds

    • The Mind-Body Connection

    • The Placebo Effect

    • How Meditation Shapes the Brain

    • How Attitude Affects the Heart and Immune System

    • How Visualisation Physically Impacts the Brain and Body


    David will also share some simple visualization strategies successfully used by people around the world to help facilitate their recovery from illness and disease and will teach the basic principles involved.


    Ticket Prices

    £20.00 – online
    There may be a limited number of tickets available on the door priced at £25.00
    Book online to secure your place and to save £5.00!


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Peter Owen Jones – How to Live a Simple Life

    Posted Feb 12th, 2013 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Wed 10th April 2013

    Living the Simple Life

    Peter Owen JonesInspired by his experiences in ‘Around the World in 80 Faiths’, part-time vicar Peter Owen Jones returned to the TV screens with a BBC2 programme called ‘How to Live a Simple Life.’

    During his programme he questioned how modern life in credit-crunch Britain has become merely a frenzy of spending and working.

    He explored issues such as living without money, simplicity, meaning and a deeper connection to both nature and people as he  decided to follow the example of medieval saint, Francis of Assisi, and give up money in a last-ditch attempt to find fulfilment.


    In this evening’s talk, Peter Owen Jones explains why he tried to follow the example of St Francis of Assisi by living simply and without money. He will share his experiences and some of the highs and lows as well as sharing his wisdom and advice for anyone else seeking the answers to the same questions.

    Peter says; “The current manifestation of Western Society underpinned by capitalism is beginning to look increasing hollow and heartless. Perhaps we are all starting to wake up to the fact that if you have a human system predicated on money, then at some point everything will be measured against it.

    Really we have chosen to carry so much, chosen to live with the weight of ownership, chosen to live a life amassing more. What has become subsumed in this process is any real sense of an alternative, a different way of being human within this system we call our society. What we have really lost is a deep sense of well being.

    Living simply is perhaps a response to the fear based model of amassing more. Now is a good time to reflect on where you are in this remarkable journey called life and is a time for us to re asses priorities and purposes.”


    Ticket Prices

    £20.00 – online
    There may be a limited number of tickets available on the door priced at £25.00
    Book online to secure your place and to save £5.00!


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Dr David Hamilton – Mind Over Matter

    Posted Feb 12th, 2013 By in Archives With | No Comments

    One Day Workshop
    Sun 14th April 2013
    10am – 4pm


    In this fascinating one-day workshop; Dr David Hamilton will delve into the mind-body connection; including how and why our thoughts, emotions, imagination and beliefs physically impact the body.

    MindoverbodyYou will learn how your thinking changes the brain and how your thoughts of particular body areas are able to specifically target those areas.

    David will share some practical visualization strategies, from those that are quite general (‘housekeeping’ visualizations) to those that are much more specifically targeted to particular illnesses and diseases.

    He will also teach the basic principles for designing your own visualisation strategies as well as teaching Quantum Field Healing; a visualization strategy that pictures illness and disease as waves of energy instead of physical things.


    Ticket Prices



    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A lunch menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Maggy Whitehouse – Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

    Posted Sep 10th, 2012 By in Archives With | No Comments

    Workshop – Postponed

    Kabbalah: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been postponed until early 2013. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    No, Kabbalah isn’t all about Madonna, red-string bracelets, 72 different names for God or Jewish men in black hats, although you could be forgiven for thinking that!

    Kabbalah is the only complete Western Mystical Tradition.

    It’s an oral teaching passed down from mystic to mystic and it’s about truth, beauty, loving kindness, sacred masculine and divine feminine, the soul’s path, fate and destiny, reincarnation, angels and spiritual development.  It has never been a religion but it has always been a structure that underpins pretty well every faith system and most of the world’s New Age beliefs. It helps fit together everything good that you’ve ever learnt.

    Kabbalah itself is the Hebrew word for ‘receive’ and this is ‘the received wisdom’ that updates itself for every generation.

    What you will take home from this workshop:

    •    The importance of your own spiritual path and your unique relationship with Divinity, whatever you may choose to call It
    •    Knowledge of the sacred masculine and divine feminine that goes back thousands of years – including details of ‘the Lord and his wife’ in the Old Testament
    •    How and why your ego resists your spiritual development — and how this can be overcome
    •    The nature of your Soul, and how to discover your destiny
    •   How to understand the Kabbalistic diagrams of The Tree of Life and Jacob’s Ladder and how they can help in your development and in understanding how the Universe works
    •    The Cosmic Paradox of Unity and duality — how the Divine is both within us and of us and is something that we can call upon whenever we need help
    •   An understanding of how the Bible can still be used as a spiritual awakening manual even today.

    The workshop will include an internal journey:
    Merkabah Ascent — to Experience Unity with the Divine.


    Ticket Prices

    Early Bird Tickets are available until 21st October priced at just £55.00

    Save £20.00 off the full  ticket price of £75.00


    [mappress mapid=”2″]

    The Crown Hotel
    (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP United Kingdom

    Our venue offers great dining at reasonable prices.
    Please call the hotel direct to reserve your table: 01932 564657

    Free parking is available – after 6pm – at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.) Chertsey train station is just a few minutes drive away.

  • Louise Presley-Turner – Finding a Future that Fits

    Posted Sep 7th, 2012 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Inspirational Talk
    Wed 28th Nov 2012
    7.30pm – 10pm

    Are you Ready to Make YOUR Dreams a Reality?

    No one has ever said living the life of your dreams is easy. It takes drive and determination, persistence and patience, faith and trust in the wonderful power within but most importantly, it takes ACTION!

    This is an evening for those who are ready to make some big changes in their life and find a future that really fits!

    Time to make big changes but you’re not sure where to start?

    Are you fed up doing work you don’t really care about?

    Are you looking to do something more meaningful in your life?

    Whatever your goal, whatever your dream, you CAN be your own coach and Louise will show you how!

    Tonight, you’ll take charge of your own destiny, uncover the real you and learn the secrets behind living a charmed life.

    Whether you want to set up your own business, increase your confidence, reveal your life purpose, find love or create inner peace; this interactive evening will give you all the tools you need to turn your life around!

    Here’s what Louise will cover during the evening:-

    – How to decide what you really, really want and how to set goals that will rock your world.

    – How to create your plan of action and start making changes NOW

    – Understand your blueprint, your passions, interests, core values and how to build a life around them.

    – How to tap into your inner power, surrender to the flow and learn the secrets of living a charmed life.

     All materials will be supplied.


    “Inspiring, motivational, creative and full of useful practical tools to help you on your journey.”
    Editor, Natural Health Magazine

    Ticket Prices



    Book your ticket by midnight on Monday 26th November and bring a friend for FREE!!!

    (Online ticket price – there may also be some tickets available on the door priced at £20.00)


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • David Wells, Kyle Gray & Gordon Smith – The Intuitive Celts

    Posted Apr 13th, 2012 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Three Scottish Mediums
    Three Great Events
    One Fantastic Price!

    Sun 29th April, Thurs 31st May & Wed 25th July

    A tartan army of Scottish intuitives will be descending upon Chertsey over the coming months as we welcome three of today’s top psychics to the Naked Dragon stage!

    David Wells
    Who Do You Think You Were?

    One Day Workshop – Saturday 29th April 10am-4pm

    In this amazing interactive workshop, David Wells shares some of his own past lives and takes you on a guided meditation to the Akashic Records to show how you can access your own memories.
    Along the way you may even recognise someone in this life who you have travelled with in times gone by!

    You will find out more about Karma – what it is and how you can use it to your advantage.

    David will show you how to release Karma you may not need anymore; recognise your strengths from previous incarnations and how to ask your spiritual guides to help you out when the going gets tough!

    For further information on this event, please click HERE

    Kyle Gray
    An Evening with The Angel Whisperer

    Talk & Demonstration – Thurs 31st May

    During this evening talk and demonstration, Kyle Gray, The Angel Whisperer will share with you his secrets and experiences of connecting with the other side as he explains how The Angels are all around us and are waiting to help and direct us on our pathway.

    The aim of this talk is to help you meet or strengthen your connection to heaven and know that even your wildest dreams are possible.


    For further information on this event, please click HERE

    Gordon Smith
    Intuitive Studies

    Evening Talk – Wed 25th July

    In these fast changing and challenging times, world renowned medium, Gordon Smith believes it is crucial that we all find a way to connect as powerfully as possible with Spirit.

    Over the past two years he has been receiving guidance from his own guides on effective ways to help empower people to make direct connection with their own teachers in the Spirit world.

    Gordon is keen to help people find their own personal connection – rather than rely on mediums as an intermediary.

    For further information on this event, please click HERE


    To celebrate this glorious feast of psychic connections we are offering a wonderful opportunity to attend all three events for the amazing price of just £99.00!

    A saving of £16.00 off the full ticket prices!

    Please book your combined ticket using the booking form below


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    A lunch menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

  • Food for Thought

    Posted Mar 24th, 2012 By in Blog With | No Comments

    A Taste of Raw Food Heaven

    Three Vibrant and Healthy Recipes by the UK’s Leading Raw Food Coach Karen Knowler

    The Green Smoothie

    The Green Smoothie takes just three minutes to make, uses just two ingredients, can easily be considered a meal in and of itself, and will give you energy and taste to fuel you up for the next exciting activity!

    Serves: 1–2

    Equipment: Blender


    1 large sweet and ripe mango (or 2 small ones)
    5–6 large handfuls of spinach


    1. Chop your peeled mango into pieces and put into a blender first (it’s important that you put the mango in first, as it creates the juice which the spinach can be blended into).
    2. Wash your spinach thoroughly and add to the blender.
    3. Blend the two together thoroughly until a thick but bit-free consistency is achieved.
    4. Taste-test: If it’s not sweet enough for you, add 1–2dates or more mango. If it’s too sweet, add a bit more spinach.
    5. Finally, if you prefer your smoothie less thick, simply add water to reach desired consistency.
    6. When you’re happy with taste and texture, pour into a tall glass and swoon. Feel the green goodness flooding into you!

    Karen’s Tip

    I recommend that you make 2 pints worth (the above recipe will make roughly this amount) and drink one immediately and put the other into a pint glass and keep in the fridge until later in the day. The latter makes for a great afternoon ‘snack’ or satiating pre-dinner filler. Two in a day? It’s super-efficient, doesn’t take any extra time to make and you’ll be feeling so much better in no time at all!

    Fresh Strawberries Dipped in Raw Chocolate Sauce

    This treat is beautiful to look at, tastes divine, feels naughty – and is the perfect dish to share with a lover!

    Serves: 1–2

    Equipment: Food processor


    Fresh strawberries (as many as you desire)
    1 cup raw cacao powder (cocoa powder also works but may be stronger)
    1 cup agave nectar


    1. Wash your fresh strawberries well, taking care to leave the stalks on. (Sensual Eaters like the contrast!)
    2. Put your cacao powder and agave syrup into the food processor and blend until you have a thick, smooth, chocolaty mixture that is the same consistency all the way through.
    3. Place your strawberries in a medium-sized bowl and pour the chocolate dipping sauce into a smaller bowl in the middle.
    4. Enjoy by simply dipping the strawberries into the sauce and eating/sharing/feeding as many or few as desired.

    Karen’s Tip

    This sauce keeps brilliantly in the fridge for a few weeks, so make as much as you want and enjoy!

    Raspberry Passion Pudding

    This recipe is a dessert or summer brunch recipe that’s universally adored, can be decorated any way you like for the wow factor and, better still, takes only a couple of minutes to make. Well, we wouldn’t want to keep you from your guests now, would we?

    Serves: 1–2

    Equipment: Blender


    3 cups frozen raspberries
    1 passion fruit (cut in half and seeds squeezed out, shell discarded)
    1 mango, peeled and pitted


    1. Place the prepared fresh fruit into the blender first, then add the frozen raspberries on top.
    2. Blend all ingredients until the mixture is smooth and creamy with no lumps.
    3. Taste-test before serving. If too tart for your palate, add some honey or dates to your blend.

    Karen’s Tip

    Feel free to add any other fresh fruits of your choice and decorate as desired.

    Meet Karen at Naked Dragon

    If you are interested in learning more about the part that a raw food diet can play in creating a state of optimum health and well-being, you are warmly invited to come and hear Karen speak at Naked Dragon on Wednesday 28th March at 7.30pm.

    For further details and to book your ticket, please click HERE

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