Tag : The See

  • Lars Muhl – The O Manuscript

    Posted Sep 17th, 2013 By in Archives With | No Comments
    Inspirational Talk
    Wed 6th Nov 2013

    One Man’s Journey

    By the age of 10, Lars Muhl had experienced glimpses of another reality. The shock, following the sudden death of his younger sister, caused painful kundalini-like experiences that lasted for three years, giving Lars access to the ethereal worlds and a hypersensitive insight into other people’s pain.

    A turning point came when Lars was 15 and received a book anonymously in the post and Hazrat Inayat Khan’s “Gayan, Nirtan, Vadan” became the start of a lifelong esoteric study.

    Like Paulo Coelho, Lars was for many years a successful singer/songwriter who, concurrently with his music, studied the world’s religions and esoteric knowledge. Then in 1996, he was struck down by an unexplained illness, which neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose. For three years he lay in bed without being able to move or think straight.

    The-O-Manuscript-300x456Through a close friend’s intervention, Lars was put in touch with a seer who, via the telephone, brought him back to life. That was the start of a completely new existence and the beginning of that quest he has so grippingly described in his trilogy book  “The O Manuscript” (The Seer, The Magdalene and The Holy Grail) through whichLars describes his moving story of one man’s journey to a more genuine, authentic and open way of being.

    Sharing his in depth knowledge, interesting perspective and new revelations on the traditional Jesus theory, Lars will discuss his belief that Jesus is an energy in our consciousness and an aspect of our own being.


    In Search of the Eternal ‘O’

    At this evening’s fascinating talk, Lars will recount the remarkable true story of how he traversed Europe in search of O, the eternal symbol of the whole, describing both the experience and the revelations that followed. Lars believes that we are experiencing openings that will help us to make conscious contact with the higher aspect of ourselves.

    Weaving together personal history, metaphysics and an unflinching account of personal awakening, Lars will inspire the pilgrim in all of us to fearlessly seek our own higher calling.

    Lars Muhl tells an extraordinary tale in an extraordinary way – it is a story that for too long has been crying out to be told. The eternal feminine by whatever name she be known – Venus – Isis – Ishtar – The Mother Goddess – The Magalen – for too long she has been held down, suppressed , diminished, dismissed. Misunderstood. But no longer. It seems that her time has come. I am glad that Lars Muhl has made her speak with such a clear voice.” – Henry Lincoln, co-author of the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.


    Early Bird Tickets priced at £15.00 will be on sale until Thursday 31st October

    After 31st October, tickets will be priced at £20.00 online – or £25.00 on the door

    Bonfire Night Ticket Special


    We have a great ticket offer to celebrate Bonfire Night!

    Just enter the code BN1 at the checkout to receive 50% off the full ticket price!


    The Crown Hotel (Windsor Suite)
    7 London Street,
    Chertsey, Surrey
    KT16 8AP
    United Kingdom

    An evening menu is available at the venue

    Parking is available at Sainsburys (almost opposite the venue.)
    Chertsey train station is about 10 minutes walk from the venue.

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